Landscape & Wildlife Photographer Allan Johnson

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Best Photo Purchase I Have Made

From my Photography Tips Blog

Best Photo Purchase I Have Made

Last week I posted an article about the Worst Photo Purchases I Have Made so now for one about the best purchases I have made.

50mm f/1.8


When I was starting out in photography I only had two lenses and those were the kit lens that came with the camera. While decent enough to get the job done after awhile I felt that I was being held back by them.

So after spending hours online watching videos and researching what a good upgrade would be, I decided on a 50mm f/1.8. What was nice starting with this lens was the price did not break the bank at $219.

With this lens, my landscape photography looked so much sharper and cleaner a much-needed improvement.

I still have this lens even though I do not use it as much anymore I always have it in my bag.

24-70mm f/2.8


My next best purchase was buying a 24-70mm f/2.8. This is the lens you will see on my Nikon D800 almost all the time. The only times I take it off are when I am doing wildlife photography or packing the camera in a smaller bag.

Again this led to much better landscape photos since I was able to go wider at 24mm over the 50mm. Another advantage this lens had over the 50mm was its range of 24-70mm.

That meant I could use it for everyday shooting and not have to worry about the subject being too close or too far away.

Sony A7R


Now I picked up this camera last year used for a good price. It had a low shutter count and no real flaws.

My main camera is my Nikon D800 but I wanted something just as good for a backup. Most people would probably go and buy another D800 but not me.

I wanted something different and I have been reading and hearing a ton about Mirrorless cameras. I already have the Sony A5000 that I use for some of my videos on YouTube.

At the start, the only lens I had for the A7R was the Sony 50mm f/1.8. Nice lens but like the 50mm Nikon has limited range.

After doing some more research I decided on getting a lens converter so I could attach my Nikon lenses to the sony camera. I also picked up one for Canon lenses.

Now I can use all my current Nikon and Canon lenses on the camera and the images come out looking great. The only downside to the converter is that you have to use manual focus.

Once you learn or relearn how to manual focus you will have no issues getting great photos.